Does knee pain ever really feel better once you have Chondromalacia patella, is it possible for Chondromalacia patella to heal? And can you get your knee health back? And is it possible for you to be active again? Let me answer these questions for you.
100% Yes, it is possible to feel better in your knee pain. If you have Chondromalacia patella, even if it’s the extreme type of accommodation patella, where your knee gets stiff, it aches and throbs even when you’re just sitting around doing nothing. And if it creaks, and cracks and makes noises all the time, whenever you bend your knees a certain way, it is possible to get 100% better in your knee pain.
Now, what I didn’t say is the noise will go away that I need to make a distinction on it’s likely that your knees will always make some noise. And the reason for that is because on the back of the kneecap here where the cartilage is that is involved in contemplation patella, you might get some rough spots on there as a result of the problem.
And even though you can feel better and do everything you want to do, whenever you go to bend your knee, that rough spot makes a noise whenever you’re bending the knee a certain way of putting some pressure on the kneecap, that noise is called crepiness and you might have it the rest of your life.
But that does not mean that you’re going to also have pain with it. It is possible to have pain free crepis I’m living proof of it. Now in case you didn’t know what conundrum elation patella is. It is a thinning of the cartilage behind the kneecap right here and or thinning of the cartilage on the end of the thigh bone where it sits against the kneecap.
So the kneecap and the end of the thigh bone touch each other. And the cartilage between the two helps to make the motion there smooth and frictionless or as little friction as possible. So that you can use your knee joint and all the things you’re going to do in life. If you’ve been diagnosed with contemplation patella, chances are you’ve had some knee pain issues over a series of months or maybe even years.
And it’s gotten bad enough to where it’s starting to limit you in being able to do things like exercise, go up and down stairs or steps and be able to even just sit comfortably and enjoy a show or just enjoy a meal without your knees starting to ache and throb.
Now, these symptoms greatly overlap with patellofemoral pain syndrome. In fact, you might have been told already that you had patellofemoral pain syndrome and it’s developed into condemnation patella, and when they tell you that you have Kandra release patella, usually they’ve given you an x ray machine, one other knee joint here.
And they’ve done it in this angle where they’re looking at the space under the kneecap, between the kneecap and the thigh bone and what they’re looking for is the spacing there to be equal on both knees. And if they’re going to diagnose you with Chondromalacia patella, then they’re probably going to see that the space has decreased on it between those two bones between the kneecap and the thigh bone.
They might also see it the kneecaps a little shifted over one way or another. And that could also feed into the diagnosis for condemnation patella. Now, how does Kandra militia patella heal. Let me tell you this, it is clear words as I possibly can. And if you don’t understand, comment your question below here and we’ll get back to it as soon as we possibly can.
The only way to get long lasting relief from Chondromalacia patella is to fix the underlying root muscle imbalance that’s causing excessive compression on your kneecap and thigh bone. And that muscle imbalance is typically that the quad muscles on the front of the thigh are too strong relative to other muscles in the hip.
And when those muscles get too strong, they begin to shorten and pull on the kneecap and it shoves the kneecap into the thigh bone. And now whenever you go do your normal activities, walking, standing up sitting down using stairs or if you exercise and you regularly exercise, then you’re doing it from a position of increased pressure from your kneecap onto your thigh bone, and it’s rubbing against itself inappropriately it’s rubbing too much and possibly from a different position than it should be.
Fixing that problem requires you to get better strength usually up in the glutes, sometimes in the foot muscles. But your quads don’t typically need to be exercise. In fact, I would say they never really need to be exercise when you’re trying to fix your Chondromalacia patella syndrome. The quad muscles are usually too strong, so there’s no sense in trying to make them even stronger. I’ll talk more about that in just a moment.
But let me tell you about the other treatments that are out there for Kandra militia patella, that really are just short term in relief. If you go to the doctor, the first thing they’re going to tell you to do is to rest it to stop doing the activities that had been making it worse, especially you exercise like if you’re a runner.
If you’re involved in any sports that involve running or jumping as well, they’re going to tell you, hey, take a break from that, take two weeks off, four weeks off, two months off, it just depends on how severe your symptoms are, and what you’re able to do as far as taking a break.
If you’d rest, absolutely, your cartilage is going to flare down, it’s been flared up, that’s why it’s been hurting, it’s going to flow down, it’s going to feel better, but that rest does not fix the muscle imbalance.
So once you get back to being active again, the muscle imbalance is still present, you’re going to begin to irritate that cartilage once again and bring back your Chondromalacia patella symptoms. The next thing the doctor will recommend is taking pain medication. Of course, we all know that just masks the pain, it doesn’t really fix the root problem.
It just holds you over a little bit so that you can get through a rough time some pain medications are stronger than others and some affect people different ways. Typically, condemnation, patella will respond well to things like Tylenol, and other NSAID drugs like ibuprofen and naproxen. If those medications aren’t enough for you, then the doctor might offer you getting an injection.
There are all kinds of injections. I recently did a video about injections for Contra Malaysia, Patel, you can go check it out. But if you have an injection, it’s just like taking pain medication, except that medication is injected right into the joint. And there’s other types of injections you can get like regenerative medicine injections, we’re talking stem cells, PRP injections, those kinds of things.
But those also only treat the short term, even though you might be generating new cells 100% know if that’s happening or not, but some people do get relief, and some don’t from stem cell injections and PRP injections. But even if you’re really truly developing new cells, you’re still going to be compressing them and breaking them down.
And getting back into Chondromalacia Patellar symptoms, if you don’t fix that underlying muscle imbalance of the quads, giving too much pressure against the kneecap. And if the injections don’t work, they’re going to send you to talk to a surgeon and orthopedic surgeon if they haven’t already, that might have been the person who’s been giving you the injections anyway.
But if you talk to an orthopedic surgeon about surgery for conundrum Elisa patella, then they’re going to look at shaving the back of the bone there on the kneecap, or on the end of the thigh bone to smooth out the cartilage or they’ll also look at the alignment and repositioning the alignment of the kneecap so that it better sits in the groove of the thigh bone in an effort to help reduce the pressures in there.
But that still doesn’t treat the underlying muscle imbalance of the quads compressing the kneecap too much. So any way you slice it, the long term solution is going to be addressing the root muscle imbalance so that you cannot have to deal with this problem in a few months after your injection wears off, or in a year or two after the effects of the surgery have kind of calmed down and you’re getting back to being active again.
Now doing the right exercises is very important because many people just randomly exercise they just try to exhaustively exercise the muscles around the knee joint. And one of the easiest muscle groups to exercise is the quads. Because it’s easy to get a burn there. Especially if you’re already quite dominant, you’re just going to tend to use your quads more with just about every exercise you do.
So it can be very deceiving. When you go start exercise specific for Chondromalacia patella treatments, and you’re working out your quads, and there’s this thinking of working out your VMO, which is the inner part of the quad muscle right by the side of the kneecap kind of above it, I’ll show you on my knee here.
So here’s my kneecap right here, the VMO is this part of the muscle, but it still works the same as the rest of the muscles, and it’s still going to compress the kneecap against the thigh bone, the theory of working out the VMO is that if you get this part of the muscle stronger, it yanks the kneecap over this way to align it better in the thigh bone.
But what is faulty about this thinking is if you just work out your glutes, you can turn your thigh bone outwards and move the thigh bone under the kneecap better. So it’s kind of reverse thinking. Now, this is being researched. So I’m not making this up. But this is very important if you’re working out the VMO the muscle on the inside of the thigh on the inner part of the quad muscle. So the closer the towards the middle.
The theory is that it’s going to pull your kneecap over. But what I’m saying is if you work out your glutes appropriately, which there’s videos in the description below, there’s links to get to videos to work out your glutes if you have knee problems if you work out your glutes properly.
Then if your kneecaps over this way, it’s going to move the thigh bone in the position and that’s very possible because they kneecap floats in tendons, it’s not it’s very mobile. I mean, if you relax your thigh, you can grab your kneecap moving around. It’s a treatment that we do all the time to help lubricate the joint lining back there, the cartilage.
So if you can move your thigh bone correctly, then you can align your kneecap with your thigh bone. But think of it as aligning the thigh bone first, rather than the kneecap, you really can’t do much about the kneecap alignment. It’s more the thigh bone that needs to be addressed. And that’s how you get the best long-term improvement if you end up doing a bunch of quad dominant exercises. And by that I just mean that you’re using your quad muscles quite a bit.
You feel like your quad muscles are getting tired, they’re getting sore, chances are it’s just going to make you feel worse and worse in your knee joint. Your Chondromalacia patella is going to get worse and sadly many healthcare professionals will recommend quad exercises to you if you’re seeing them for contemplation patella, and before you get all up in arms, and I’m not throwing anybody under the bus here.
This is the training that people get in school. And if they’ve never had Kandra emulation patella, then they just prescribe quad exercises because that’s what they were told in school. And they’re typically following an algorithm meaning they’re just following the steps that they were told to follow in school.
And if the quad exercises didn’t work, injections, didn’t work, medications didn’t work, then the next step is to talk about having a surgery. So if you’re getting treatment for Condoleezza patella or you’re looking up exercises online, and it’s mainly quad exercises you’ve been doing and you’re frustrated with how your contour militia, patella rehabilitation has been going start to do some glute exercises, that is where it’s at.
That is where you’re going to get better. Hey, like I said, there’s videos down in the description about glute exercises for knee pain. There’s also a link to a program there called the 28 Day Knee Health And Wellness Boost Program. And that program is a little more comprehensive while a lot more comprehensive on treating the muscle imbalance that sets up Chondromalacia patella so you can go there and learn more about it.
Thanks for watching this video. Don’t forget to share this video with somebody that you know is dealing with this problem. And please give us a thumbs up I’ll see you in the next video. Bye
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