What is a two-stage knee revision surgery? Well, in the unfortunate situation that you have an infection and your knee replacement soon after you’ve had your knee replacement surgery, you might need what’s called a two stage knee revision.
What happens is they have to put you under again, go into your knee, take out all the metal parts that they’ve installed on the end of this bone on the end of the shin bone down here, and if they put anything on the back of the kneecap that needs to be taken out as well, so that they can remove anything that’s infected.
Then they’ll put in spacers in the knee joints, and they’re kind of just waiting for you to get over the infection, there’ll be giving you lots of antibiotics, you’re likely to be in the hospital or definitely under medical supervision.
If you’re at home, and you have to get antibiotics until the surgeon is absolutely certain that you’re no longer having an infection inside your knee joint. that’s stage one, just getting everything out that’s infected, putting a spacer in and allowing you to get over the infection. Stage two is redoing your knee joint replacements.
Now, because they’ve already done a needle replacement, they’re going to have to put in bigger hardware that goes deeper into the bone this way and down this way so that it stays put because they’ve already drilled off ends of the bone. So they need to make sure that the new hardware they put on is going to stay the Kansas put the same thing they put on before this process tends to be quite dramatic for patients, it tends to leave them with lots of scar tissue.
There’s many problems that result because you’re on bedrest essentially for a long time while recovering from the infection. And then you still have to recover from having a knee replacement a second time.
It’s usually a month long process from the first thing replacement up until we are in the clear and you’re going to start doing rehabilitation and getting back to walking and normal things. So in the event that you have to have this done, be prepared to be at home or be in bed in the hospital, make sure you tell your family.
The good news about this is that they’re very successful at treating the infections and you’re probably going to get back to walking and doing a lot of normal things. You just might have some limitations your knee might not be like you expected or hoped. After signing up for the knee replacement the first time around.
They want to let you know that we have videos for a failed knee replacement situation not an infection. But if you’ve had chronic knee pain after having a knee replacement, and you it’s been several months, a year or more and your knees not quite right, we’ve got videos to help you begin to make your knee better.
They’re down in the description below in a playlist called the failed knee replacement help playlist. And I’ve also got a program called the failed knee replacement recovery program. You can learn more about that in the description below.
Thanks so much for watching. Please give us a thumbs up if you thought this video was helpful. Don’t forget to subscribe and turn on our notification bell so you don’t miss out on any of the helpful videos that we post each and every week. I’ll see you in the next video. Bye
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